Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala Pdf 30golkes
Arya Ashtangika Margaya Sinhala PDF 30golkes
Arya Ashtangika Margaya (ආර්ය අෂ්ටගික මර්ගය) is a term that refers to the Noble Eightfold Path, which is the fourth of the Four Noble Truths taught by the Buddha. The Noble Eightfold Path consists of eight factors that lead to the cessation of suffering and the attainment of enlightenment. These factors are: Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.
The Noble Eightfold Path is not a linear sequence of steps, but rather a dynamic and interrelated system of practice. Each factor supports and enhances the others, and together they form a comprehensive and holistic path of spiritual development. The Noble Eightfold Path is also known as the Middle Way, because it avoids the extremes of indulgence and self-mortification, and instead follows a balanced and harmonious approach to life.
There are many books and articles that explain the Noble Eightfold Path in detail, both in Sinhala and other languages. Some of them are available online as PDF files, which can be downloaded and read on computers or mobile devices. One such book is "Arya Ashtangika Margaya" by Ven. Sooriyawawa Sumeda Himi, which was published by Godage Publishers in 2018. This book is based on the teachings of Mahacharya Oliver Abeynayaka, who was a prominent Buddhist scholar and teacher in Sri Lanka. The book covers the theoretical and practical aspects of the Noble Eightfold Path, and provides examples and exercises for each factor.
Another online resource is "Arya Ashtangika Margaya" by Ven. Girine Ariyagnana Swaminwahanse, which is a PDF file of a Dhamma sermon delivered by the venerable monk at Sri Vijayananda Ramaya in 2017. The sermon explains the meaning and importance of the Noble Eightfold Path, and how to practice it in daily life. The PDF file also contains illustrations and diagrams to help the reader understand the concepts better.
A third online resource is "Arya Ashtangika Margaya (Mahacharya Oliver Abeynayakayan Visin Vigraha Kerena)" by Ven. Suriyawewa Sumeda Himi, which is a PDF file of a magazine article published by Maharahathun Wedi Maga Osse in 2017. The article is a summary of the book by Ven. Suriyawewa Sumeda Himi mentioned above, and highlights the main points and benefits of following the Noble Eightfold Path.
These are some of the online resources that provide information about the Noble Eightfold Path in Sinhala language. There are many more books and articles that can be found on the internet or in libraries, as well as audio and video recordings of Dhamma talks and discussions on this topic. The Noble Eightfold Path is a universal and timeless teaching that can be applied by anyone who wishes to end suffering and achieve happiness in this life and beyond.
In order to practice the Noble Eightfold Path, one needs to have a clear understanding of the Four Noble Truths, which are the foundation of the Buddha's teaching. The Four Noble Truths are: the truth of suffering, the truth of the origin of suffering, the truth of the cessation of suffering, and the truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering. These truths are not mere doctrines or beliefs, but rather verifiable and experiential realities that can be realized by anyone who follows the Buddha's guidance.
The first noble truth is the truth of suffering (dukkha), which means that all conditioned phenomena are unsatisfactory, impermanent, and subject to change. This includes not only physical and mental pain, but also subtle forms of dissatisfaction, stress, anxiety, and discontentment that arise from our attachment to and craving for things that are not in our control. The Buddha taught that there are three kinds of suffering: suffering due to pain, suffering due to change, and suffering due to conditioned states.
The second noble truth is the truth of the origin of suffering (dukkha samudaya), which means that the root cause of suffering is ignorance (avijja), which leads to craving (tanha) and attachment (upadana). Ignorance is the lack of understanding of the true nature of reality, which is characterized by impermanence (anicca), unsatisfactoriness (dukkha), and non-self (anatta). Craving is the desire for sensual pleasure, existence, or non-existence, which drives us to seek satisfaction in things that are ultimately unsatisfying. Attachment is the clinging to or identification with things that are subject to change and decay, such as our body, feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and views.
The third noble truth is the truth of the cessation of suffering (dukkha nirodha), which means that there is a way to end suffering by eliminating its cause. This is achieved by realizing nibbana (nirvana), which is the state of complete freedom from ignorance, craving, and attachment. Nibbana is not a place or a thing, but rather a state of mind that is beyond all conceptualization and description. It is the ultimate goal and highest happiness for all beings.
The fourth noble truth is the truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering (dukkha nirodha gamini patipada), which means that there is a method or a practice that can lead us to nibbana. This method is none other than the Noble Eightfold Path, which is also called the Middle Way because it avoids the two extremes of indulgence in sensual pleasures and self-mortification. The Noble Eightfold Path is divided into three sections: wisdom (panna), morality (sila), and concentration (samadhi). Wisdom consists of right view and right intention; morality consists of right speech, right action, and right livelihood; concentration consists of right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. The following paragraphs will explain each factor of the Noble Eightfold Path in more detail, and how to practice them in daily life.
Right View (samma ditthi) is the correct understanding of the Four Noble Truths, the law of karma, and the nature of reality. Right View is the foundation of the entire path, as it guides our thoughts, intentions, and actions. Right View helps us to see things as they are, without distortion or delusion. Right View also helps us to develop wisdom, compassion, and ethical conduct. To cultivate Right View, we need to study the teachings of the Buddha, listen to the advice of wise teachers, and reflect on our own experience.
Right Intention (samma sankappa) is the correct motivation or attitude behind our actions. Right Intention is based on renunciation, goodwill, and harmlessness. Renunciation means letting go of greed, hatred, and delusion, which are the sources of suffering. Goodwill means wishing for the happiness and welfare of oneself and others, without discrimination or attachment. Harmlessness means avoiding any action that causes harm or suffering to oneself or others, directly or indirectly. To cultivate Right Intention, we need to examine our mind regularly, and replace unwholesome thoughts with wholesome ones.
Right Speech (samma vaca) is the correct use of words and communication. Right Speech means abstaining from lying, slander, harsh speech, and idle chatter. Right Speech also means speaking truthfully, kindly, politely, and beneficially. Right Speech helps us to maintain harmony and trust in our relationships, and to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. Right Speech also helps us to purify our mind and express our thoughts clearly. To cultivate Right Speech, we need to be mindful of what we say, how we say it, and why we say it. Right Action (samma kammanta) is the correct conduct of body and behavior. Right Action means abstaining from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, and intoxication. Right Action also means respecting life, property, sexuality, and sobriety. Right Action helps us to avoid harming ourselves and others, and to create a peaceful and harmonious society. Right Action also helps us to develop virtue, generosity, and self-discipline. To cultivate Right Action, we need to be mindful of our actions, their consequences, and their motives.
Right Livelihood (samma ajiva) is the correct way of earning a living and using wealth. Right Livelihood means abstaining from occupations that involve killing, harming, cheating, exploiting, or deceiving others. Right Livelihood also means engaging in occupations that are ethical, beneficial, and harmless to oneself and others. Right Livelihood helps us to support ourselves and our families, and to contribute to the welfare of society. Right Livelihood also helps us to avoid greed, attachment, and corruption. To cultivate Right Livelihood, we need to be honest, diligent, and responsible in our work, and to use our wealth wisely and generously.
Right Effort (samma vayama) is the correct application of energy and enthusiasm in the practice of the path. Right Effort means preventing the arising of unwholesome states of mind, overcoming the existing unwholesome states of mind, arousing wholesome states of mind, and maintaining the existing wholesome states of mind. Right Effort helps us to overcome laziness, complacency, and negativity, and to cultivate diligence, enthusiasm, and positivity. Right Effort also helps us to purify our mind and develop concentration and wisdom. To cultivate Right Effort, we need to be aware of our mental states, and to apply the appropriate methods to deal with them. Right Mindfulness (samma sati) is the correct awareness and attention to the present moment. Right Mindfulness means being mindful of the body, feelings, mind, and mental phenomena, as they arise and pass away. Right Mindfulness also means being mindful of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, which are: the contemplation of the body, the contemplation of feelings,