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Mason Collins
Mason Collins

Pixel Encoder V1.6.3 For After Effects WIN MAC ... ((EXCLUSIVE))

Martin Smole from AOM member Bitmovin said that the computational efficiency of the reference encoder was the greatest remaining challenge after the bitstream format freeze had been completed.[18] While working on the format, the encoder was not targeted for production use and speed optimizations were not prioritized. Consequently, the early version of AV1 was orders of magnitude slower than existing HEVC encoders. Much of the development effort was consequently shifted towards maturing the reference encoder. In March 2019, it was reported that the speed of the reference encoder had improved greatly and within the same order of magnitude as encoders for other common formats.[19]

Pixel Encoder v1.6.3 for After Effects WIN MAC ...

To transform the error remaining after prediction to the frequency domain, AV1 encoders can use square, 2:1/1:2, and 4:1/1:4 rectangular DCTs (rect_tx),[44] as well as an asymmetric DST[47][48][49] for blocks where the top and/or left edge is expected to have lower error thanks to prediction from nearby pixels, or choose to do no transform (identity transform).

Color depth is the number of bits per channel for each pixel. For example, for a depth of 16 using RGB, each channel of Red, Green, and Blue can range from 0 to 2^16-1 (65535). Use this option to specify the depth of raw images formats whose depth is unknown such as GRAY, RGB, or CMYK, or to change the depth of any image after it has been read.

Note that at this time the same threshold dithering map is used for allcolor channels, no attempt is made to offset or rotate the map for differentchannels is made, to create an offset printing effect. Also as the maps aresimple threshold levels, the halftone and circle maps will create incompletecircles along the edges of a colored area. Also all the effects are purelyon/off boolean effects, without anti-aliasing to make the circles smoothlooking. Large dots can be made to look better with a small amount of blurringafter being created.

Normally, when a format supports different subformats such as grayscale andtruecolor, the encoder will try to choose an efficient subformat. The -type option can be used to override this behavior. Forexample, to prevent a JPEG from being written in grayscale format even thoughonly gray pixels are present, use.

convert-nvcvimage-obj-buffer-encoded-nvencoderThe following sample shows a frame that is encoded in the BGRA pixel format.//BGRA frame is 4-channel, u8 buffer residing on the GPUNvCVImage BGRA_frame;NvCVImage_Alloc(&BGRA_frame, dec.GetWidth(), dec.GetHeight(), NVCV_BGRA, NVCV_U8, NVCV_CHUNKY, NVCV_GPU, 1);//Initialize encoder with a BGRA output pixel formatusing NvEncCudaPtr = std::unique_ptr;NvEncCudaPtr pEnc(new NvEncoderCuda(cuContext, dec.GetWidth(), dec.GetHeight(), NV_ENC_BUFFER_FORMAT_ARGB));pEnc->CreateEncoder(&initializeParams);//... std::vector vPacket;//Get the address of the next input frame from the encoderconst NvEncInputFrame* encoderInputFrame = pEnc->GetNextInputFrame(); //Copy the pixel data from BGRA_frame into the input frame address obtained aboveNvEncoderCuda::CopyToDeviceFrame(cuContext, BGRA_frame.pixels, BGRA_frame.pitch, (CUdeviceptr)encoderInputFrame->inputPtr, encoderInputFrame->pitch, pEnc->GetEncodeWidth(), pEnc->GetEncodeHeight(), CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE, encoderInputFrame->bufferFormat, encoderInputFrame->chromaOffsets, encoderInputFrame->numChromaPlanes);pEnc->EncodeFrame(vPacket); 041b061a72


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